What Does Dopamine Do?
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that sends messages between neurons, and from neurons to muscles that affect human behavior. It regulates our emotions, motivation, feelings of pleasure, and plays an important role in the brain's reward system. Dopamine helps us feel good when we do something right, learn something new or achieve a goal. However, when it is low it can have an adverse effect on those areas as well as our learning and memory formation, movement, and coordination. Dopamine is essential for both mental and physical well-being.
Symptoms Of Low Dopamine Levels:
When Dopamine levels decrease, it can affect us in ways that can contribute to an individual experiencing some of the following symptoms:
Depression, hopelessness
Anxiety, moodiness
Low libido
Inability to concentrate
Memory loss
Difficulty concentrating
Mood swings
Lacking drive or motivation
Difficulty sleeping
Who Might Experience Low Dopamine Levels?
Low dopamine levels can be caused by several factors, including certain illnesses and medications. The therapy or medications used to manage low dopamine levels will depend on the cause of the deficiency. Here are some illnesses that have been linked to low dopamine levels:
Parkinson’s Disease
Restless Leg Syndrome
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Red Light Therapy is an effective therapy to help alleviate many of the symptoms, conditions, and diseases linked to low dopamine levels. For example, Research about Parkinson’s Disease (PD) from Well Red from March 3, 2020 shows that near-Infrared light stimulates dopamine-releasing cells.
How To Increase Dopamine Fast?
Now that we know more about what dopamine is and how it affects us, let’s take a look at how to stimulate dopamine production and increase your dopamine levels fast by implementing some of the lifestyle changes listed here:
Come to The Wellness Center and try our dopamine protocol.
Exercise regularly.
Foods like leafy greens, chicken, almonds, apples, avocados, bananas beets, chocolate, oatmeal, oranges, peas, sesame and pumpkin seeds, tomatoes, turmeric, and watermelon.
Getting a decent amount of sleep.
Limit exposure to stressful situations.
Medications like levodopa and carbidopa, are used to treat Parkinson’s Disease and stimulate dopamine production.
Vitamins D, B5, and B6 are needed to create dopamine.
Vitamin C can be helpful with the formation and conversion of dopamine in the brain.
Omega 3 fatty acids such as those found in Fish Oil have been shown to improve depression and may also increase dopamine levels in the brain.
Now that we know more about what Dopamine is, how it works, and the role it plays both mentally and physically, the focus can be on increasing it naturally by exercising regularly, healthier eating, and reducing stress. Red Light Therapy can be very effective in helping to alleviate many of the conditions associated with low dopamine levels, and careful consideration should be given to the route you choose to take in terms of therapy.
A message from our manager Chase about dopamine, "As someone who has been a life-long addict and someone who has ADHD, I'm all too familiar with dopamine, and what it feels like when there is a huge deficiency of it in my system. It has caused me years of depression, anxiety, addiction, fear, sadness, and anything else associated with mental health and addiction. My biggest change regarding red light therapy came from our dopamine protocol. I highly suggest anyone who struggles with mental health or addiction come to try this protocol. My mission is to help 1 million people who struggle with mental health or addiction find relief like I have. If you're struggling with addiction, mental health, wanting to die, or anything for that matter. I'm just a phone call away, 801-800-2484."
A. J. Harewood
Contact The Wellness Center today to explore your options to start feeling better! We’re here to help!
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The information contained in this article, and information curated from third-party links are for informational purposes only and should not be used or interpreted as a diagnosis or medical advice. It is your sole responsibility to consult with your medical doctor regarding any therapy plans or complementary care you might be considering for your personal medical care.